1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process
Response :
For the academic administration, the various Committees are constituted viz. College Development Committee, examination cell, library committee, R&D cell, IIC, finance /A/c committee, IQAC, academic monitoring committee etc; which monitor and execute action plan for effective implementation of the curriculum. HoD meetings with principal and Departmental meeting with HoD and staff, intensive discussion/deliberations are held and strategies are planned / developed for effective implementation of the curriculum. Institute also ensures successful implementation of the curriculum through active participation of teacher, time-table in charges of various departments and academic calendar planning committee members. Expert guidance is also provided to achieve the prescribed goals, through various teaching methods viz. presentation assignments, mini-major projects,discussions expert talks, workshops, seminars, industrial visits ,video lectures, Lab view technique, simulation etc. apart from regular/traditional teaching methods.
Based on the number of working days available syllabus is divided in to units/modules and each teacher prepares a lesson plan / lecture plan. The entire syllabus it is to be completed as per the dead line /given in institute academic calendar which is line strictly followed and is in line with university academic calendar. The faculty members are there is prepare and in maintain the course files of each subject which consists of following things
1) Graduate attributes.
2) POs, PSOs, and COs of the concerned dept / Subject.
3) Vision, Mission goals/objectives of the concerned Dept.
4) Vision, Mission, quality policy, quality objectives of the institute.
5) Academic Calendar of institute / department.
6) Student’s Roll call list.
7) Time-Table of the concerned class & Individual time-table.
8) Syllabus copy, question papers of previous exams
9) Solution of question papers.
10) Model answers sheet.
11) Evaluation of TW/project/seminar /oral-practical etc.
12) Teaching material, sample hard copy & PPTs (few pages only).
13) Attendance second, evaluation record etc.
14) Unit test I & II- related record.
As per the schedule of unit test I & II are conducted in each semester. For slow learners remedial classes are conducted for different subjects: Wherever required guest / expert lectures of industry person, teachers from other institute are also organized. All the departments arrange industrial visits. An attempt is made to bridge the gap, between industry and academia. Industrial visits, of interaction /observation with industry persons help, students to understand practical aspects of a subject as well as assist in concept clarity.
For every 15-20 students, Guardian faculty (teacher). Members (GFM) i.e. mentor is provided and GFM is responsible for academic and career counseling. This helps to strengthen the bond of affection between students and a teacher.
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1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE
Response :
The method to analyze and to ensure that, the stated objectives of curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation are as under:
1) Well before the commencement of a given semester of an Academic Year, academic calendar is prepared in line with AICTE/University academic calendar and through notices/ social media it is communicated to teachers and students. Accordingly teachers prepare lesson plans and successfully completes the syllabus, well in time.
2) Departmental academic monitoring committees reviews and check the curriculum coverage and during HOD meetings with CDC/ Principal, it is discussed / analyzed. As per the need necessary instructions / guidelines / suggestions etc.are given to the HODs / teachers. Teachers follow the time-tables and as per schedule. The practical sessions are conducted. The industrial visit for practical sessions are organised. Organized as per the Course structure of given subject and based on which visit reports are prepared. Unit tests / Mock-orals / mini-projects / progress of seminars and project work are monitored, through which the continuous academic progress of studentsis ensured.
3) Each semester, the feedback about T-L process to carried out for effective implementation and delivery of curriculum. Whenever necessary remedial action is taken. In certain cases industry experts are invited, guest lectures are arranged for better delivery of course contents.
4) In the University exams, good number of Students achieve excellent performance and because of T&P cell's training (soft, hard & technical skills etc.), students get placed in reputed companies.
5) Students are motivated to participate in various technical events of the institute and outside the institute (may be inter college, state level of national level) and few have owned the prices.
6) Alumni of the institute are working at different reputed organizations and are excelling well in their fields.
7) During G.B. / C.D.C. (formerly L.M.C.) meetings, assessment is made regarding, achieving targeted goals to ensure that the institute is adhering to its mission and vision statements.
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1.1.3 Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following
academic bodies during the last years
1. Academic council/BoS of Affiliating university
2. Setting of question papers for UG/PG programs
3. Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate/ Diploma Courses
4. Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University
Response : D. Any 1 of the above