Phyical Facilities

Phyical Facilities

Physical facilities:-In any of the teaching -learning environment ,buildings ,play ground sand mobile structures are provided to enhance efficiency and to meet the criterion of regulatory authority .Hence the institute has sufficient built-up area/buildings comprising of class rooms, well equipped laboratories, work shop, seminar halls, drawing hall, tutorial rooms, computing Centre, language lab ,a rich and resourceful library, reading room ,computers, plotters ,printers, LCD projectors, application and system software are available in adequate numbers as per AICTE/MSBTE/DTE/Affiliating University norms etc.

The institute is having its boys and girls hostels ,mess ,indoor and outdoor game facilities, fleet of buses (own transport) ,roof top solar plant (25KW),biogas plant and R.O. plant for water purification. The generator and UPS back- up, lifts, ramps, and W.Cs, boys and girls common rooms are also made available.

Computer &Wi -Fi speed: sufficient numbers of computers and software are available as per norms, Internet Wi-Fi speed is 60MbPS.The college authorities monitor, control and direct maintenance and utilization of facilities time to time. The college reviews the budgetary requirements for building, furniture, laboratory equipment and computer systems etc prior to the commencement of academic session and its allocation is also furnished for academic requirements.


Phyical Facilities

Maintenance of other support systems:

Institute has appointed a maintenance committee that comprises of teachers & non-teaching staff from various departments& office respectively to take care of civil, electrical, mechanical, computer related& other general maintenance and repairs work .In certain case, as the need arises, the maintenance work is out soured. A separate team of sweepers is available for cleaning class rooms, labs, W.Cs., passages, seminar halls etc. for each of the building ,separate supervisor are available for day to day supervision and even for general maintenance for few of the cases, AMC is signed with different service providers.

The college has appointed electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical work facilities in

laboratories such as water taps and electrical fixtures are monitored by the respective laboratory technician.

Building maintenance is looked after by our in-house civil engineer who coordinates with the civil contractors to carry out regular repairs and also organizes periodic structural audit by qualified civil engineers.

Classrooms, seminar hall:

The classrooms, seminar halls are equipped with enough seating capacity and LCD projectors and internet connection etc.


Phyical Facilities

Maintenance of library facilities:

The books and journals are maintained against disfiguring. Stock verification is done as a part of regular monitoring and control. The College has constituted Library Committee for effective accessibility of learning resources to students and faculty. Pest control has been done in library to maintain safety of books termites. Fire extinguishers are provide in the library with a safe assess to main campus- road of the college.

Central library:-

It is well gripped with sufficient number of titles, volume, and journals etc. as per AICTE norms. It is also having digital library, soft and hard form of old question papers ,videos, NPTEL,MOOCS,SWAYAM , NITTT Courses, e-contents, e-books etc.

Library activities

Digital library is functioning with internet facility for e-access

The Library has subscribed the DELNET Database of e-journal packages

DELNET facility is available to search articles in multiple databases

The institution is fully computerized at the administration and academic levels.

The Library Committee is involved in the following activities.
Procurement of new books and renewal of journals.
To frame and implement the rules and strategies for issuing of books and journals.
To execute guidelines for optimum utilization of resources and better services.
To maintain and update all library records.
To address issues and grievances of users.

Phyical Facilities

Sports:-Provides healthy leisure time for staff and students in coordination with the student physical director of college. The schedule of the events for the whole academics finalized well in advance. Sport committee is appointed for organizing/co-coordinating various events &for sorting out the any issues taking place during the matches (team selection, objection etc).Institute has well equipped gymkhana and facilities for indoor and outdoor games.

Following flow chart indicate the standard procedure adopted for the utilization and maintenance of the institutes sports facilities

Gymkhana Committee
Looks after the sports and cultural facilities of the institute.
Motivating students towards sports and cultural events.
Arranging interdepartmental and intercollegiate sports activity. Maintaining records of sport and cultural activities.
Organizing annual students events.

Phyical Facilities

Students have actively participated in Sports and Cultural activities conducted by University and other Inter-Collegiate Competitions. Table I& Table II, Shows the list of medals won by our student and participation of our student in various sport events respectively.

Table I-List of medals won in sport activities:

Sr.No Competitions Winner /Runner -up Level
1 Cricket Tournament Winner  
2 Running Boys (1500mtr) 2nd Place  
3 Badminton   University and other Inter-Collegiate Competitions
4 Chess Boys    
5 Chess Womens 2nd Place  
6 Table tennis 2nd Place  
7 Athletics ( Running 800m & 400m) 1st Place & 2nd Place MSBT Level (Diploma)

Table II Participation in Intercollegiate Tournaments:

Sr.No Name of Event Venue Date of Event Total College Participation Prize
1 Yoga (Boys) SRCOE Lonikand 28-Aug-19 29 Participation
2 Yoga (Girls) SRCOE Lonikand 29- Aug-19 27 Participation
3 Badminton(Boys) V.P. Baramati 30-Sep-19 to 1-Oct-19 92 3rd Place
4 Athletics (Running & Long Jump) Art Commerce Science college Narayangan 19 to 21- Sep-19 112 2nd Place in Running
5 Judo (Girls BJS College Waghol 27-Sep-19 82 Participation
6 Chess(Boys) Samarth college Belhe 18 & 19-Sep-19 103 8th place
7 Kabaddi (Boys) Samarth college Belhe 17 to 19-Oct-19 87 Participation
8 Boxing BGS College, Wagholi 28 & 29-Nov-19 59 Participation