4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz.classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.
Response :
Adequacy of infrastructure:- The campus area is 11.5Acres having classrooms (25 Nos. total area
1674.12 sq. m), laboratories (56 Nos. total area 3875.59 sq. m), Seminar halls (2 Nos. total area 282sq.m),Classrooms with LCD facilities(10 Nos.), Seminar halls with ICT facilities (02 Nos.), AudioVideo Centre (01 No.)
Physical facilities:- In any of the teaching -learning environment, buildings, playgrounds, equipments, machinery instruments for measurements, portable devices, ICT infrastructure etc are provided to enhance efficiency of work at administrative, T-L and allied activities as well as to meet the criterion of regulatory authority. Hence the institute has sufficient built-up area/buildings comprising of class rooms, well equipped laboratories, work shop, seminar halls, drawing hall, tutorial rooms, computing Centre, language lab, a rich and resourceful library, reading room, computers, plotters, printers, LCD projectors, smart boards, application and system software are available in adequate numbers as per AICTE/MSBTE/DTE/Affiliating –University norms etc. The built-up area includes Admin, Instructional, Amenities and Circulation areas.
The institute is having boys and girls hostels, mess, indoor and outdoor game facilities, Gymkhana, fleet of buses (own – transport), roof top solar plant (25kW), biogas plant and R.O. plant for water purification, water coolers etc. The generator and UPS back - up, lifts, ramps, and W.Cs, boys and girls, common rooms are also made available. Facilities for, Innovation & Start-up, NSS, SWO, Cultural cells, stores and stationary room etc. are available.
ICT Facilities :
- Number of classrooms with LCD facilities -11
- Number of classrooms with Wi-Fi/LANfacilities -25
- Number of seminar halls with ICT facilities -02
4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc.
Response :
Shree Ramchandra Education society has always supported and encouraged to extracurricular and cocurricular activities in its institute.
Cultural Activities:- Institute provides necessary facilities and encourage students and staff to participate for cultural activities. We organize various competitions like dance, singing , essay writing, debate, rangoli, flower decoration, poster presentations, painting ,salad decoration etc. During COVID-19 crisis, we have conducted online cultural activities like singing, instruments playing, Chess, Yoga and Meditation and relaxation techniques etc. Cultural room is made available for preparations and faculty is allocated for taking care of this activity.
Facilities for sports:- Sport provides healthy life for staff and students. In coordination with physical director of college, the schedule of the events, for the whole academics is finalized well in advance. Sport committee is appointed for organizing/co-coordinating various events &for sorting out the any issues those arise during the matches.
Facilities for game:- College has sports facilities for indoor and outdoor games like
Indoor games - Badminton court -2 Nos., Table tennis -2 Nos., kabaddi mat -15Nos. and Carom & Chess facility. Outdoor games - Kabaddi grounds, Volleyball ground, Ball badminton, Cricket, Kho-Kho, Handball, Netball & Outdoor gym are available. The college playground has an approximate area of 2 acres and on an average 100-150 students use it.
Gymnasium: - The college has well-equipped indoor and outdoor gymnasium, which is used by the students and staff. Separate time slots for various users are made available.
Yoga Centre- There is no separate yoga-center as such, however,in seminar halls, open spaces, ground etc. we conduct yoga programs. We have tie-ups with Heartfulness and Sahaj Yoga to conduct yoga sessions, under the supervision of experts from the field.
4.1.3 Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc. (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Response : 48.15 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT facilities
Response : 13
4.1.4 Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last year(INR in Lakhs)
Response : 100 Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during last year (INR in lakhs)
salary during the last year (Data Template)