Internal Assessment
♦ Mechanism of Internal Assessment
Institute follows SPPU’s guidelines for the internal assessment of the theory and laboratory. In addition to that institute has carefully designed and implemented the parallel mechanism to ensure preparedness of the students. Complete transparency is maintained in all forms of internal evaluations. Two internal examinations, namely Mid-term and End-term in each semester are planned in academic calendar and executed as per schedule. After assessment, answer sheets are distributed and discussed with students for their benefit and to maintain transparency in the evaluation. Retest is planned for students having unsatisfactory performance by giving them sufficient time for preparation. Examination results are displayed on notice boards. Overall performance, attendance, feedback about the student is communicated to parents by mentor faculty.
♦ Term work (TW) assessment
Various assessment parameters, their evaluation process and criteria are discussed by each course teacher with students at the beginning of every term. Performance of each student for practical sessions is recorded weekly in continue assessment scheme in front of student. TW of a student, which carries weightage in final university result, is evaluated based on performance in continue assessment scheme. During practical sessions, course teacher discusses significance, advancements and applications of the contents. Teacher identifies advance learners and gives them challenges on selected topics. Concurrently teachers make an attempt to identify slow learners and help them.
Department evaluation tools are introduced by institute for assessment and evaluation of performance of student. Depending upon suitability, one or more tools such as Presentations by students, Open book test, MCQ, Assignment, Tutorial, Group Discussions, Case study etc are used for every course in the semester.
♦ Project work assessment
Twice in semester presentations are arranged to review progress of project work and evaluation sheets are maintained. These reviews forces student to be on toes and complete work in defined time. This enables student to remain focused, confident, improve presentation skills and communication skills.