Earn & learn
As a part of social responsibility Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Lonikand have implemented ‘Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Earn and Learn Scheme2018-19’. The main objective of the scheme is to develop a student as a multifaceted personality with academic excellence and a commitment to an egalitarian society. This scheme is basically undertaken for the benefit of students coming from the rural areas, who are economically backward, intelligent and meritorious but cannot afford higher education, needy and financially hard pressed. Financial assistance to the extent of 90% of the expenditure incurred by the affiliated Colleges/ Institute is reimbursed to the concerned on submitting the necessary papers to the Director, Board of Students Development. 10 students were participated in A.Y. 2016-17 and 33 in A.Y. 2017-18.This academic year 23 students enrolled 2018-19.
Work Type:
* It inculcates in the student the idea that no work is big or small and develops a work culture with the right aptitude.
* The students enrolled under the scheme are given the following types of work namely-That increase their skills in areas of their study, office work, technical work and field work. Office work includes working at the Library or any other office of the institute.