Student council
Students Council
The purpose of the Students Council (SC) is to provide programs, activities and services which serve the co-curricular, cultural, social, recreational and educational interest of students at the University and Colleges. The SC seeks to contribute to the development of students' leadership skills and experience, program planning and development, volunteering, and fiscal management
"Students' Council" means the Students' Council established under section 99 of the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 (Mah Act № VI of 2017). The act was passed on Thursday 08-12-2016 with a view to improve quality of higher education. The act has a number of innovative sections for the betterment of students, teachers, colleges and Universities.
Section 99 of the act provides for the formation of student union or associated student body, which distinctively called as Students' Council. There shall be a University Students' Council and a College Students' Council for each affiliated college to look after the welfare of the students and to promote and co-ordinate the extra-curricular activities of different student's associations for better corporate life. It is specifically noted in the act that the Councils shall not engage in political activities. This chartered student council shall be authorized by University to receive and dispense students’ activity fee funds. Some provisions of the section relating to the formation of Students Council at college level are:
The College Students' Council for each institution, conducted college or affiliated college shall consist of the following members, namely:
President, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college.
Secretary, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college.
One lady representative, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college; (L-R)
One representative belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta-Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes, by rotation, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college: provided that the University shall decide the category of reservation for each college for the purpose of this clause by drawing lots; (R-R-Reservation Representative )
One student from each class, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that class; (C-R) One student each from #
(i) National Service Scheme (NSS-R),
(ii) National Cadet Corps (NCC-R),
(iii) Sports (S-R)
(iv) Cultural Activities (CA-R)
# Nominated by the Principal from the students who are engaged in National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Sports and Cultural activities, respectively, on the basis of prescribed criteria;
And from among the staff ##
• One senior teacher as coordinator of the Students' Council appointed by the principal of the college, and
• Director, Sports and Physical Education,
• NSS Program Officer and
• NCC Officer
## As permanent invitees;
(SRCOE shall recognize these as Advisory Council Members or ACM)
Also, at the University level, there shall be University Students' Association consisting of the following members, namely:-
• Presidents of the University Department Students' Council and each College Students' Council ;
• Secretaries of the University Department Students' Council and each College Students' Council ;
• Lady representatives of the University Department Students' Council and each College Students' Council ;
• Student representatives, belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta.Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes of the University Department Students' Council and each College Students' Council.
♦ For more details please refer: ies%20Act%202016%20English%20Copy.pdf
The procedure for election, the powers and duties, authority for the conduct of election, mechanism for conduct of such elections, code of conduct for the candidates and election administrators and grievances redressal mechanism in respect of such election shall be such as may be specified by the State Government, by orders published in the Official Gazette.
Student Council 2017-18
The Students’ Council (SC) is the representative body of the entire student community of the
Shri Ramchandra College of Engineering (SRCOE) Pune.
SRCOE Student Council’s mission is to encourage and promote the values that represent good character in all students and build responsible leaders within student’s community.
Together with SRCOE Faculty, Staff and Alumni and University support, we seek to inspire visions and actions for a more ethical and just world through exchange of ideas and information.
The executive committee of SRCOE-SC shall comprise of advisors from the management and faculty and Students elected as office bearers and representatives of all the classes across the entire disciplines.
♦ Council Charter:
The present provisional structure of SRCOE charter will be amended according to the constitutional framework or Statutes to be announced through affiliating University (i.e. SPPU- Pune).
• The Student Council will consist of maximum 12 executive members each year, excluding the faction of class representatives elected at the beginning of an academic year.
• It will be composed in part of standing representatives nominated by students or faculty and staff and confirmed by the bodies they represent.
• Should a council member resign from their role, procedure number 2 shall be applied to selecting a new member to fill their position.
• All members have the right to participate, and all council decisions are made by consensus.
• No formal decision-making procedure can take place on the first meeting of the year.
• Continuity in attendance is an expectation for all members. Members are expected to notify the entire council before missing a meeting. If there is prior notice for significant circumstances, the council can exempt this member from the attendance requirement. Below are criteria for absences and removal.
• If a member has more than 3 unexcused absences the member will be asked to step down.
• If a member misses more than three meetings (with excuses), the Council may consult with the advisors and ask the member to step down with a consensus vote.
• Any council member asked to step down for these reasons is welcome to reapply for the following year.
• The Council shall meet for one hour monthly while college is in session.
• The budget and frequency of meeting shall be as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
• The election of the student members of the Students' Councils shall be made every year, as soon as possible after the commencement of the academic year, on a date as may be prescribed.
Leadership Roles & Member Duties
♦ President –
• Provides direction for monthly meetings
• Provides introductory materials for new members
• Serves as primary facilitator for Council meetings
• Oversees all activities within the council, provides ideas and is particularly attentive to how the council is run and the process improved continually
• Duties also include managing funds and keeping the council updated on the status of monetary resources
♦ Secretary –
• Duties include careful note taking of every meeting and sending minutes to email list
• Duties also include keeping attendance, keeping track of which bodies are represented, and working with representative groups to ensure participation
• The Secretary creates and organizes the distribution of all documents pertaining to student council at institution and university level
♦ Member Representative.
• Managing communication between the Council and the Group he/she represents; Providing guidance, advice and information if requested
• Creates a positive campus atmosphere, liaises between student council and other parties of interest, raises the funds, communicates and holds meetings for students interested in the specific event(s), creates schedules, procures any necessary materials for those events
♦ Quorum and Decision Making
• Quorum will be attained if 67 % of the membership is present.
• Decision-making will be made by unanimous consent and all members will be part of the decision-making process. If unanimous consent cannot be achieved, decisions will be made by a supermajority (75 % of the votes).
• Members may vote for, against, or abstain during any movement and shall maintain the respect of other members.
♦ Relationship with the SRCOE and SPPU
• The Student Council shall liaise between the student body and the college and the University Students Council.
• The Student Council affirms its role & activity and collective responsibility with other institutional committees and bodies.
• In the spirit of collaboration, and where appropriate, all major decisions vis-à-vis, co-curricular, cultural, social and recreational made by the SRCOE shall be discussed with the Student Council prior to implementation, and the Student Council will give feedback and recommendations. Likewise, appropriate, substantive decisions made by the Student Council will be discussed with all Representatives, Faculty Counselors
• The Principal prior to implementation. The Academic & Administrative Head will be able to comment and advise changes before the Student Council makes a final decision.
• The student council shall have a discretionary fund accessible to them as may be prescribed by the University Statutes. Concurrence of Advisory Council Members is imperative to ensure that this fund is spent in accordance with the goals, visions and the policies of the Institute.
Student Council Elections
As per the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, Students’ Council is to be established every year during the first term. Contesting / fighting elections and winning them are one part but what's more important is how to deliver after one gets elected. Note 3-prime positive leadership behaviors: working together, creating a positive campus atmosphere, putting into action the assurances made and thereby improving the educational as well as social, cultural & co curricular functioning of the Institute and the University.
The election of the student members of the Students' Councils shall be made every year, as soon as possible after the commencement of the academic year, on a date as may be prescribed. The term of office of the elected student members shall begin with effect from the date of election and shall extend up to the last day of the academic year, unless they have, in the meantime, incurred any of the disqualifications specified by or under the Act, and shall then expire.
Every candidate contesting for election shall have equal opportunity to campaign in the premises. Campaign Activity may include, for example appearance of a contesting candidate before the students group, speak on campus, on topics of interest to students or explain to them why you would make a good representative; canvassing for the Candidate, giving printed materials and oral introductions.
• Public sound system should not be used.
• Campaign should be limited to the bona-fide students only and Interference of non-students should be prohibited.
• Use of threats, unfair means, pressure tactics, bribing, intimidating and indulgence in communal, regional campaign may disqualify the candidate if found guilty by the Election Committee.
• Disfiguring of the walls/property of the college for the purpose of campaigning may disqualify the candidate.
• Each contestant has to give a ‘Letter of Interest’ telling the position he/she is interested in and signing the undertaking that he/she will abide by the rules and code of conduct governing the elections
Have fun! Win or lose, you should feel good for taking a chance by running for the Representative Council Member. Remember, if you do not win there are plenty of ways to get involved.
Students’ Council Election Process, Nominations & Other Forms
• During second /third week of first semester of every academic year, the student representative will be elected by each class as mentioned in the composition.
• The date of election will be intimated by faculty in charge of student council well before the actual date.
• HOD and GFM of the class will go to the particular class and call for applications from the students for class representative post and conducts election the class itself and announces the result immediately. The elected candidate will represent the class in the council for that academic year.
• After the class representative elections (or selection) are over, the students’ council is constituted as per SPPU norms and rules of SRCOE Pune.
• The Principal, HODs and faculty coordinator of student council (ACM) will conduct personal interviews for an indirect election procedure which would be followed by selection of office bearers for type “f”(i.e. NSS-R, NCC-R, S-R, CA-R) as may be suitable and adequate for each and every post recommended by the above panel.
• Students desirous of contesting in the election an executive member (President, Secretary, L-R, R-R, that is, other than office bearers cited in the clause 4 & 5 above) can obtain the nomination forms on production of his/her Identity Card. No student shall be issued more than 3 (three) nomination forms and no student can file nomination for more than one office. Students filing nominations are required to produce self attested copies of the certificate of H.S.C. or equivalent examination in support of their age. No student shall be eligible to file nomination and / or propose or second a candidate without having secured re-admission for the session 2017-18 and without having Valid Identity Card. The prescribed nomination form duly filled-in and signed by the candidate, his/her proposer and seconder is to be submitted along with his/her Identity Card in person at the appropriate counter located at the main office bloc between 9 A.M. and 12 Noon on 12.07.2017 for scrutiny. No student shall be allowed to propose or second more than one candidate for the same office.
• The STUDENTS’ COUNCIL will start functioning after the declaration of elective or selective nomination for each described post by the Principal.
• The Students’ Council ceases to exist on the last day of an academic year. All the same, the Secretary acts as the medium between the students and the administration until the taking over of the positions by the next council.
• Smooth Conduction of the Institute Annual Day every year.
• Smooth conduction of Foundation Day every year.
• Conducting Fresher’s day every year.
• Prevention of ragging in the campus through counseling senior students, helping the administration whenever necessary.
• Suggesting the administration to improve the student amenities to improve their career and personality building.
• Helping the administration in smooth conduct of student activities on the campus.
• Guiding the junior and needy students to improve their technical, organizational and managerial skills by organizing seminars/ symposia/ workshops etc.
• Encouraging innovative and creative skills of the under graduate and post graduate students.
• Organize the programs in the campus to improve the cleanliness and greenery in campus.
• Organize any activity to improve the knowledge and skills of the campus students.
• Maintenance of the peace and harmony among campus community in General and student community in particular.
The following shall be the rules of eligibility for the election of class Representatives to the
♦ Students’ Council:
• All the bona-fide students on the rolls of the College are eligible to contest and vote at the election of Class representatives (CR).
• Under graduate students between the ages of 17 to 23 years may contest selections. For P.G. Students the maximum age limit would be 25 years.
• Candidate should in no event have any academic arrears (ATKT) in the year of contesting the selection.
• The candidate should have attained the minimum percentage of attendance as prescribed by university (SPPU). This rule is not applicable to first semester of first year students of U.G. and P.G. students.
• The candidate shall not have a previous criminal record.
• The candidate shall not have been subject any disciplinary action by the Institute authorities.
• The candidate must be a regular, full time student of the Institute.
• The candidate should not have any dues either to Institute or Hostel.
• Students desirous of contesting the election shall file a nomination paper in the prescribed form and shall be dated, signed by the candidate and his or her proposer and seconder.
• The signatures on the nomination forms submitted by a candidate should tally with his / her signature on his / her Identity card.
• In case the signatures do not tally, HOD (as Scrutiny Officer) may reject the said nomination forms at his / her discretion.
• It shall not be open to an elector (candidate from the electoral roll) to propose the candidature of more persons than the number of seats
• The candidate can contest for not more than one seat.
• Election of Class Representative shall be held by CLASSROOM VOTING on the basis of simple majority vote in presence of HOD and ACM.
• A nominations paper which does not comply with all the requirements shall be rejected.
• At the time and place appointed for scrutiny of nominations, Intending candidates or any other bona-fide student of this College duly authorized in writing by each such candidates shall alone be entitled to be present. The intending candidates or authorized student must produce duly signed Identity card of intending candidate for verification. In case a Candidate or his/her duly authorized representative remains absent during the scrutiny, no complaint whatsoever shall be entertained by the Committee afterwards under any circumstances regarding his/her scrutiny.
• The students shall be allowed to vote on production of their Identity Cards only. Those who fail to produce their Identity card at the time of voting shall not be allowed to exercise their right to vote under any circumstances. (Some other related evidence can be accepted in case ID card has not issued by college office)
• Candidates are forbidden, on the voting day, to display their posters in the class rooms or anywhere around the booth premises. Disfiguring of the wall by writing is not permitted. If any violation in this respect is detected, the candidate should take immediate steps within 2 hours to remove or wash such posters/writings etc.
• The elected members of council must attend all the meetings scheduled on respective dates. Failure to attend the above meetings more than once without prior permission of Principal shall lead to termination of membership.
• All the elected members shall attend all the College functions including flag hoisting ceremony on 15th August, and 26th January. Failure to attend these functions without prior permission of Principal shall lead to termination of membership.
• Vacancies arising from the termination of membership due to non-attendance shall be filled in by nomination by the Principal and will be final.